In 2005 we decided to pursue a career variation into Short Term Relief Management and so we built our web site and marketed to masses and within 3 weeks we had a total of 9 months of relief work on our calendar. What does this tell you???
Well it reaffirmed our belief that the internet was a great resource for bringing "Suppliers" and "End Users" together, but it also put us in a position of having far too much enquiry for our Relief Management service. Over the last 4 years we have enjoyed a situation where we are always booked out for 2 years in advance. During those last 4 years we have found ourselves forwarding on e-mails and ringing other relief couples that we know and generally acting as a "Go Between" trying to satisfy the needs of those who contact us. We have prospective relief managers contacting us for help as well as moteliers requiring urgent relief for all manner of reasons.
This all brought us to the realization that our web site was no longer serving US. We always had enough relief engagements for 2 years Our web site has, over the last 4 years, generated a substantial amount of enquiry arising from a need for Relief Management.
To this end we have decided to steer our web site into becoming a gateway for Relief Managers and Hospitality Providers to be able to view listings and make direct contact with each other as required.
This new format will be two fold in that we will provide space for Relief Managers to display their contact details along with their preferred hospitality venues e.g. Motels - Holiday Apartments - Hotels or Caravan Parks. To see a sample of listings for other Relief Managers take a look at our More Managers page. For details on how to Advertise Your Relief Management Services with us, see our Advertise Here page.
The second listing will be space where Hospitality Operators will be able to
forward plan their breaks and list their property details, contacts and relief
periods required. For more information on how you can list your property's
relief requirements, take a look at our
Hospitality Info page. See also our Relief
Required page for listings of Hospitality Operators looking for Relief