We offer a range of management services for the hospitality industry
specializing in motels.
Short Term
Short term relief management is available for periods of one week to 3 months.
In these positions we are commissioned to run the business as it would normally
be operated by the resident managers.
To liaise with clientele, staff and suppliers on a day to day basis to ensure an
uninterrupted flow of the established routine.
In the position of relief managers, our undertaking is not to initiate changes
of policy or procedure for the property, thus enabling the resident managers to
resume control, knowing that their established operating guidelines are intact
upon their return.
Long Term Management:
Long term management is available for periods of 3 months to one year and
extensions are open to negotiation.
Whether the owners are engaging us to bring the property up to a standard for a
future sale, or looking for long term sustained profitability, we will prepare a
report to encompass the following:
A concise property evaluation via a S.W.O.T Analysis (Strengths. Weakness.
Opportunities. Threats.)
Prepare a management plan with a strong emphasis on marketing based on the
findings of the S.W.O.T. This plan will be presented to the property owners for
perusal and consultation.
In addition to instigating a strong marketing plan, we will identify ways to
increase turnover through value adding of the property and its services.
Focus on client retention through various customer loyalty options.
Identify new markets to be targeted and establish communication channels with
these markets.
Evaluate staff skills and services and work closely with them to assist in
development and application.